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044 390 64 65
Customer Support will work on Monday from 10:00
Contact Us

Street Krasnokatskaya 59 office 42, Kyiv, Ukraine

phone044 390 64 65
Mon-Fri 09:00 - 18:00

Shipping methods

We use the following shipping methods:

FoxExpress Air post
The maximum weight is 150 kg. The maximum length is 1.4 m. The shipping cost is calculated depending on the volumetric weight by the following formula: х*у*z (см) / 6000.
USPS Priority Mail
The maximum weight is 31.7 kg. The maximum length is 1.6 m. This delivery method is carried out by the Ukrainian postal service.
USPS Express Mail
The maximum weight is 31.751 kg. The maximum length is 1.8 m. This delivery method is carried out by the Express Mail service.